Comment 5 for bug 1511148

Revision history for this message
Axl (axel-werner-1973) wrote :


Problem solved.

i tested several big distros the last days and weeks on that toshiba r500 12p notebook / netbook without any luck or sound. so today i decided to temporarily reinstall windows 7 to try out sound there and see if i can unlock or unmute the sound. even with the original sound drivers for win7 the sound remained SILENT, just as within linux. so i did another google search for that problem, but excluded linux and there i found some threads on several forums that had just the same problem. on one thread i found the following link to some toshiba tool for windows, that is supposed to "unmute" or "disable mute" on the soundcard.

Sound Utility to Turn Mute Off |

i dont know what exactly this tool does and where, but it worked!! installed, runned, rebootet and there where sound again under windows. next i installed debian 8 again and STILL SOUND at last.

so it seems the problem is relative common with lots of toshiba notebooks.

however...what is strange, i have been unable to unlock/unmute any soundcard from linux using pamixer or pavucontrol . all devices and channels where unmuted and maxed volume. so to me it sems there must be another "mute" switch somewhere else, where the linux tools dont reach for.