Comment 8 for bug 1299857

Revision history for this message
Kerry (dad-5) wrote :

Raymond I am having trouble with
Maybe I don't understand the instructions...

"You have probably come here because you have a problem with PulseAudio, and someone asked you to provide a PulseAudio verbose log. Here's how to do that:

    Open a terminal, then enter these commands:

echo autospawn = no >> ~/.config/pulse/client.conf #use ~/.pulse/client.conf on Ubuntu <= 12.10
killall pulseaudio
LANG=C pulseaudio -vvvv --log-time=1 > ~/pulseverbose.log 2>&1

    Do what you need to reproduce the bug.

    Switch back to the terminal and press Ctrl-C to stop PulseAudio.
    Open your Launchpad bug and attach the file ~/pulseverbose.log (in your home directory) to that message.
    To return your system to a clean state again, edit ~/.pulse/client.conf with your favorite editor and remove the line "autospawn = no". If the file is now empty, you can just as well delete it. Then log out and log in again.
    Last but not least - thanks for helping out! "

Is that three seperate commands? i.e.
echo autospawn = no >> ~/.config/pulse/client.conf #use ~/.pulse/client.conf on Ubuntu <= 12.10

I tried:
echo autospawn = no >> ~/.config/pulse/client.conf #use ~/.pulse/client.conf on Ubuntu <= 12.10

and got:
kerry@kerry-MS-7125:~$ echo autospawn = no >> ~/.config/pulse/client.conf #use ~/.pulse/client.conf on Ubuntu <= 12.10
bash: /home/kerry/.config/pulse/client.conf: No such file or directory
kerry@kerry-MS-7125:~$ echo autospawn = no >> ~/.config/pulse/client.conf
bash: /home/kerry/.config/pulse/client.conf: No such file or directory

sorry... i am certainly doing something foolish but don't understand. very sorry.