Comment 2 for bug 712847

Revision history for this message
Rigved Rakshit (rigved) wrote :

I am running Beta1 in Virtual Box with 2 GB RAM and a 80 GB hard disk.

Today when I logged into it, I got the same message:

The panel encountered a problem while loading "NotificationAreaAppletFactory::NotificationArea". Do you want to delete the applet from your configuration?

I chose not to delete. But after waiting for some time, the panels did not load.

So I logged out (using the terminal) and logged back in. I still got the same message (twice) but this time, the panels loaded with a slight problem. Whenever I started an application, it got it's own menu. In other words, it did not use the global menu system.

I logged out again and logged back in. Everything started working fine, even the global menu system.