Comment 0 for bug 1973397

Revision history for this message
Gaber Terseglav (gabert) wrote : Ubuntu 22.04: Display manager resets when trying to change it using gear icon in login window

I would like to select wayland display manager on login screen. But when I click on the gear icon in login screen, screen resets to terminal view for a few seconds and black login screen is displayed. There is no more gear icon, I enter login info and can log into the session. But the activated display manager is

Must I wait for some fixes, in order to be able to list different display managers in login window (the rest on gear icon is normal), or can I configure the system somehow in order to enable change of display managers?

less /etc/gdm3/custom.conf
# Uncomment the line below to force the login screen to use Xorg


syslog file attached