Comment 29 for bug 133786

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Grizzly (sven-witterstein) wrote :

It also happenened to me right now. Runnung XFS-systems on amd64 - and kernel, openoffice, firefox etc needed a repair.

A simple sudo apt-get update does not help (because the db thinks it's all fine)

I think it has to to with the update order: when you "followed" in a gutsy installation from release day till today, you got the updates in a more or less specific order.

Now, when you install every update at once after a fresh install, you get a different order and run into these problems. So the bug might have been in released gutsy but now ist not there anymore.

A hint might be that firefox suddenly said it had been updated (like in win) - which was not true at that time and afterwards refused to start.

Personally, I think, feisty was more stable. I hope next LTS will be stable, though... almost everything you can imagine, I'm running into...