Comment 59 for bug 11334

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In , robbert (robbertvandendoorn) wrote :

I completely agree, MATi.

Why does it take so long to fix this bug? Why don't the developers see how important this is? It's just ridiculous this still doesn't work. Being able to copy / paste is one the basic features of an application and in my opinion those features have the highest priority to work on. After all those years this basic function still doesn't work in Firefox, but a lot of other features have been added in those years. In my opinion this is a wrong choice. Working on important basic features must have a much higher priority than working on all those features which are nice to have. Fix all those bugs first and introduce new features when those bugs are fixed.

This is not only a problem with Firefox. It seems to be a basic problem of open source projects. Looks like open source developers develop an application and keep on adding new features without first fixing existing bugs. I'm thinking about Gnomes Nautilus with its bugged list view (not being able to drag and drop a file into a folder when there are more items than fit on the screen).

Please, fix those bugs first and then start adding new features.