Comment 107 for bug 11334

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Tralalalala (tralalalala) wrote : Re: Copy-Paste doesn't work if the source is closed before the paste

pyrates wrote on 2009-08-29:
"The design of the clipboard isn't... is broken and not working."

I couldn't agree more!

Przemysław Kulczycki wrote on 2009-08-29:
If it isn't rocket science for you, why don't you write a patch to fix it?"

Could people please STOP posting such comments? You people talk like everyone in the world knows how to program.

I also understand exactly how copy/paste works nowadays, how it should work and where it needs to be fixed. For me it also isn't rocket science. Does this mean I'm able to fix this problem? No, because I don't know how to program. Sure, I can do "Hello world" and some simple calculations, but that's all. When seeing the source code of other programs I don't understand anything. When do people start to realize not everyone knows how to program and how to fix bugs?

Przemysław Kulczycki wrote on 2009-08-29:
"Most Ubuntu developers aren't paid for their work, they do it voluntarily.
And the number of Ubuntu devs isn't infinite."

And that's the main problem of open source. Someone has an idea, starts to write some code and releases a bèta version. A lot doesn't work as it should work, but instead of first fixing those bugs, the developer starts integrating some new features. He has some cool ideas and he wants to implement them. True, what's more fun: fixing bug or adding cool new features? So the developer keeps on adding new features, but after years of development those bugs from the first build aren't even fixed.

Then the original developer doesn't want to go on developing his software, so he just stops. Some othet people pick up the code and start adding their cool new features, which also have some bugs. Those bugs also need to be fixed, but adding new features is more fun, so new features are added. It doesn't matter if people are complaining about those bugs, because the developers aren't paid, so they can do what they want: adding new features.

Ubuntu (actually Linux in general) has so many bugs that aren't fixed after all those years. No way you should see such thing in a commercial product like Windows or Mac OS, but in a free operating system like Ubuntu (Linux in general) this is possible. It's possible to not fix those bugs, even if they exist for more than ten years. What Ubuntu (or Linux in general) really needs are more paid developers, a bunch of paid professionals. Only then will there be "a year of the Linux desktop".

Przemysław Kulczycki wrote on 2009-08-29:
"Comments such as yours won't help fixing this bug."

The developers don't want to fix this bug, so it doesn't matter which comments are posted. All of them don't help fixing this bug. The only way to help fix this bug, is giving a professional programmer a whole lot of money if he fixes this bug.

P.S. After all those years this bug is still on the wishlist. Ridiculous! This isn't a wishlist, this is a bug of the highest priority as people are frustrated, because they constantly loose their work. Why do you think the market share of Linux grows so slowly? They try it, loose their work, because of this ridiculous 1980's-style copy/paste method and go back to Windows or buy a Mac.

This is a bug of the HIGHEST priority!