Comment 11 for bug 104256

Revision history for this message
mcasperson (matthewcasperson) wrote :

I've experienced a similar problem in Ubuntu 10.10. Transferring large amounts of data from a Windows PC to a Samba share caused my netbook to lock up. The problem occurred copying many small files, and also one large one. Ubuntu would completely freeze: the mouse would not move, the screen saver (if one was running) would freeze and CTRL-ALT-F# keys would not drop back to a terminal.

The Ubuntu 10.10 install was only a day old (so I hadn't installed many additional packages).

After several attempts to copy the files I ended up setting up an FTP server on Windows and accessing the files that way. Transferring the files over FTP worked flawlessly, so it probably is not a hardware issue.

Since completing the file transfer I have not had any further lockups in Ubuntu.

The notebook is an ASUS 1201N, and I'm running the 64 bit version of Ubuntu. The only Samba related change I made was to add the following line to smb.conf (as per the bug listed at
name resolve order = lmhosts wins bcast host