Comment 21 for bug 1008197

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Morten J (mojosmail2003) wrote :

In my case the solution was to update to the latest cinnamon version 1.4UP3. After doing this I have not had any freezes and the update solved the issue on both of my computers. Before the update I could make the system freeze by heavy scrolling in Libre Office calc and got the error: "mdm_slave_xioerror_handler: Fatal X error - Restarting :0" in the log.

I will just copy in Clem's comment from the thread.


You guys are doing great at troubleshooting this. The cause of the problem isn't precise enough for us to fix anything yet, but we're working on Cinnamon at the moment and we might have some good news. Although the latest Cinnamon (pre-1.5) isn't ready to be packaged and released into Mint, it already is working and it features many of the changes from Gnome Shell 3.4.

I'm not suggesting you all go and compile it, but maybe some of you can do it and provide debs to others, or at the very least give it a try and see if it fixes things. I wrote a quick tutorial to show how to compile the latest muffin/cinnamon in Linux Mint 13:

At the moment if you compile muffin and cinnamon from their "master" branch (i.e. if you follow the tutorial without specifying any branch) you'll end up with a muffin pre-1.0.4 (which calls itself 1.0.4) and a cinnamon pre-1.5 (which calls itself 1.4-UP3).