Comment 1 for bug 1338697

Revision history for this message
Cris Dywan (kalikiana) wrote :

I've debugged this a bit, and it appears the sound gets set initially from the backend but gets lost somewhere after filling in the alarms model.

So in code modules/Ubuntu/Components/plugin/ucalarmmodel.cpp refresh() Q_FOREACH(const AlarmData &data, alarms) will not have the sound anymore even if it was correctly set in modules/Ubuntu/Components/plugin/adapters/alarmsadapter_organizer.cpp completeFetchAlarms

It seems as if something clears the sound accidentally but I can't find what that is… nothing sets the sound other than through the property. And the other values are consistently fine.

It *may* be backend-related as the "memory" backend never loads the saved sound, wheras "eds" has the issue as described where it gets lost before the UI makes use of it.