Comment 3 for bug 1067856

Revision history for this message
David Planella (dpm) wrote : Re: "Open a new window" quicklist menu entries need internationalization

The translations in webapps-applications, as with most Ubuntu packages, are not shipped in the package itself, but in the language packs instead. In this case, the translations for libunity-webapps are shipped in /usr/share/locale-langpack/$LANGUAGECODE/LC_MESSAGES/

However, they are not loaded even though they are present.

Looking at the code, the only thing that strikes me is:
data/com.canonical.unity.webapps.gschema.xml: <schema id="com.canonical.unity.webapps" path="/com/canonical/unity/webapps/" gettext-domain="unity-webapps">

So it seems that the domain in the .gschema.xml file does not match the domain specified at build time. While this needs to be fixed, I believe it only affects translations of schema files, and I'm not sure it's related to translations not being loaded on the desktop file.

Another thing that I've noticed is that the webapps desktop files are missing the "X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=unity_webapps" entry, which might be the root of the cause.

However, I don't seem to be able to manually add the entry to the webapps .desktop files to test it, as every time they are loaded in the launcher, my manually written entry seems to disappear. Any ideas?