Comment 9 for bug 2006794

Revision history for this message
Chris Guiver (guiverc) wrote (last edit ):

Mostly of a test of, I zsync'd the Lubuntu lunar daily.. started a test, noting my responses largely with

These notes (which won't be clear; quickly done with times the purpose; text intended only to remind me what the time (HHMM) represents..

(times aren't exact; whatever the digital room clock said)

 1327 - 1330 page appeared (Lubuntu daily install)
 1331 entered test specs & some testcase details & wait... - 1334 & page redrew with my entered details

 1343 bug encountered; hit edit on test (to add details) & wait... 1344 and entry screen appears, add bug detail & 'update..
 1344 busy (update result) and 1348 back to list of results..
 1357 click pen (again) to update report now my testing is complete... and I can add final detail & pass/fail, wait - 1359 and entering results.
 1401 & click UPDATE result, that single test completed (PASS)

No proxy errors..


As is normal, the page ( ) shows me reports entered by Leó Kolbeinsson which is not unusual (a very big QA-tester), but I have PEN/edit logos on his entries, and can EDIT them... I would not expect that...

Maybe that isn't new though, but I can't recall noticing that before (even offers me a DELETE button on those entries, but I'm sure not testing that).

Could just be my window is larger than usual (it is). I'll finish what I'm doing, logout (of & login again..

Further note:

logout, login & i can still edit results. It maybe my Lubuntu permissions (lubuntu-product-manager & ubuntu-testcases are both ticked) & wider screen only made it easier to see.

alas few lunar results except mine (or Lubuntu related), but I HAVE NO EDIT on (Ubuntu Core, amd64, so it's likely related to my 'elevated' lubuntu permissions maybe)...