Comment 8 for bug 1541078

Revision history for this message
Fritz Hudnut (este-el-paz) wrote :


I've been playing with PPC linux for perhaps 5 years, and during that time I have tried all of the "known issues" solutions to get "suspend," and for me, none of them are "valid" . . . . Over in Linux Mint on my MBPro I have working "suspend."

The point being that "suspend" is such a ***basic*** function that there really is no excuse why it isn't working--out of the box. I posted this bug here because I was under the impression that 16.04 PPC was shooting for a high quality system, one that provides ***full function**** and not kicking the can down the road . . . as has been done before and seemingly continues to be.

So far I haven't needed an xorg.conf file or Yaboot params to get the basic GUI function; perhaps if there is a rainy day in LA I'll test it out--but I have very low expectations that either of those suggestions will work--been there, done that . . . increased the size of the swap, increased the RAM . . . until it gets written into the kernel I don't believe that anything will actually work to provide the very basic function . . . I'm stepping away from the computer to have a meal; I don't need to keep the computer spinning, but I don't want to go through the boot sequence every time I need a break . . . that description apparently doesn't enter anyone else's mind as ***necessary***?????