Comment 2 for bug 888680

Revision history for this message
Chris Morgan (chris.morgan) wrote :

I have experienced this, too. It's the only reason why I don't use the Ubuntu Mono font in gVim on Windows. I'd *love* to because it's such a nice font in general (though due to general Windows dodginess in its font handling it still won't ever look as nice as it does in Ubuntu), but with the molokai colour scheme and the types of files I'm regularly editing (Python keywords hit this, as do HTML tags, for example) bold features too much and it ruins it. And so I have to (well, choose to) use inferior fonts, all because of a pixel or two's offset :-(

I'm using XP, and it happens with ClearType enabled, regular (GDI) font smoothing enabled or no font smoothing.

(Fortunately when I'm at home I get to use Ubuntu and so can use the Ubuntu font family to my heart's content.)