Comment 8 for bug 613277

Revision history for this message
Paul Sladen (sladen) wrote :

There has (outside of the updates to this bug report) been quite a bit of behind-the-scenes to-ing and fro-ing about the advantages/disadvantages of a more angular vs. Slavonic curved Cyrillic script by default.

Regardless of what the characters look like, they will (as far as the layout engines are concerned) be the same width. Changing the shape of the glyphs in the boxes will not cause reflow, therefore it is immaterial whether the technical change is made now, made next week, made next year, or not made at all.

It is /important/ to figure this out by release. But it is not /essential/ (from a technical point of view). It is possibly something that we may wish to illicit wider feedback on ...more easily done post opening with wide dissemination in the target market. If one design or the other design annoys people, we *are* going to hear about it and we can move to a solution that annoys the least number of people.

So, I'm sticking my neck out on this one and triaging it down to "Medium" since we can address the Cyrillic shapes later without technical impact. If it gets reverted I'll accept that I've been overruled by higher-powers.