Comment 1 for bug 1482282

Revision history for this message
Nekhelesh Ramananthan (nik90) wrote :

From my testing, it seems QML components derived from the SDK AbstractButton [1] do not seem to obey the "Other vibrations" settings. Clock app does not have any individual settings that overrides the system's vibrate setting.

In the clock app settings page, we do have a settings option called "Vibration", but thats meant for Alarms, that is when an alarms rings, a snap notification is shown along with the alarm ringtone played and vibration. That vibration is what the settings option is meant to enable/disable.

Those are two different use-cases.

Also the issue of AbstractButton not obeying the system "Other Vibrations" settings was reported previously at bug 1466659. As such I am marking this bug a duplicate. If you want the string "Vibration" to be changed to "Vibrate on alarm", please create a new bug report to track that issue.
