Comment 2 for bug 1869218

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Iain Lane (laney) wrote :

This is supposed to be served due to a .htaccess file specifying "ReadmeName FOOTER.html". That is generated by ubuntu-cdimage (lib/cdimage/

OK, let's look to see if that does happen. Picking a directory:

The bug is right: there is no footer there. But if I run this on the cdimage host:

  laney@nusakan:/srv/$ grep ReadmeName .htaccess
  ReadmeName FOOTER.html

it is there (FOOTER.html exists too; you can see this by visiting

So I believe this must be a matter of the web server's configuration. The cdimage team themselves don't manage the actual frontend servers which serve our content. We'll need to involve Canonical IS to have a look at the configuration that's in use, and ideally help us diagnose why the "ReadmeName" doesn't work.

xnox, are you up for doing at least the requesting / asking if they can help us?