Comment 3 for bug 1738459

Revision history for this message
Rafael Folco (rafaelfolco) wrote :

- cannot use current deployer's user when deploying on localhost (=$VIRTHOST), need to specify a different user as it gets removed and recreated:
    * e.g. if you deploy (run oooq) as 'deployer' user, you have to specify ssh_user and non_root_user as something else like 'user1'
    * This is mainly because of teardown (kills all processes for user and recreate the user) - WAD
- ssh_user and non_root_user are used interchangeably in the code
- {{ working_dir }} is interchangeably used as /home/{{ ssh_user }} or /home/{{ undercloud_user }} for two different purposes across oooq and oooq-e sources:
    * /home/{{ ssh_user }}: deployer user's home dir at $VIRTHOST
    * /home/{{ undercloud_user }}: undercloud user's home at undercloud machine