Comment 2 for bug 731037

Revision history for this message
Piotr Adamski (mcveat) wrote :

What I've implemented:
* replaced Note class implementation so tags are a Set<String> instead of comma separated values
* changed notes list adapter so it contains two types of elements: notebooks and notes not assigned to any notebook. Noteboks are displayed on the top of the list tapping notebook opens separate list with notes of specific notebook
* adding note to a notebook when new note button was tapped when displaying notebook content

I'm attaching screenshot to give you better idea of how it looks now ('A' letter is just to differentiate notebooks from notes, it should be replaced with proper icon eventually ;).

There is one issue I know about, namely, notebook tags are lost after sync with U1. And I'm still hesitating to change DAO to in a way that tags are stored in separate table - it would be more efficient than looking through tags of all notes when doing notebook related operations.

What comes to organizing method, I'm not a big fan of gmail way. I'm putting notes into notebooks, so they don't come in my way while I'm looking through top level notes. That stands exactly on the opposite side of labels concept. Everything though depends of what is the more common use case for tomdroid/tomboy users. Maybe we should ask people about it?