Comment 17 for bug 360732

Revision history for this message
NoahY (noahy) wrote :

The problem is that 0.5 is not using NoteManager.getAllNotes(Activity activity, Boolean includeNotebookTemplates), it is accessing the ListAdapter directly. I've fixed this in my branch:

just by adding the boolean as a variable to the ListAdapter method, and checking for it:

 public static ListAdapter getListAdapter(Activity activity, String querys, Boolean includeNotebookTemplates) {

  String where = "(" + Note.TAGS + " NOT LIKE '%" + "system:deleted" + "%')";
  if (!includeNotebookTemplates) {
   where += " AND (" + Note.TAGS + " NOT LIKE '%" + "system:template" + "%')";


It might be nice to allow this to be toggled in preferences, since some people might like to edit the templates.