Comment 4 for bug 1505265

Revision history for this message
r (tatrabanka) wrote :

i think i have same or very similar issue. instead of creating new 1, i append here.
2 machines affected.

most likely to reproduce:
- running OpenVPN in the panel which stops refreshing after *while*
- sleep/awake machine at some point before bug triggers after *while*
- VPN disconnects at some point before bug triggers after *while*

additional symptops:
- i can use arrow-up & enter to run last command, then pane starts refreshing again, but not active line, only output

1.91 GTK3 nightly

17.04, 17.10
both 64b

Gnome 3.26.2


2.7.14 (as it came with 17.10)

- infinite scrollback enabled