Comment 29 for bug 117441

Revision history for this message
sherrardb (sburton-launchpad) wrote :

a few things:
first off thanks for the continued hard work.

second, the boot disk creation didn't "take" for me the first few times. i don't know if it was related to hald/automount and syncing the cached original data back to disk when you umount/eject or what. but whenever i did the dd from within gnome, the boot process would just hang when i selected the usb key.

so finally i booted back into ubuntu, but instead of loging into gnome and opening a terminal, i went to a virtual terminal by pressing ctrl+alt+f1, and did the dd from there. interestingly, the usb key was /dev/sda not /dev/sdb in this context. since i was not logged into gnome, there was no automount of the usb key and therefore no umount/eject required. i rebooted and selected the usb key and everything worked fine.

lastly, for any darter owners who are windows dual-booters like i am, you can just make the executable and the firmware file available on a fat partition on the hard drive and the process should work, but ymmv.

thanks again.