Comment 3 for bug 683848

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Omar Campagne (ocampagne) wrote :

Some food for thought (again, see #1):

After some thought, I don't really see the point of a full tracker integration, given that most of the times (unless the search is very specific) it could deliver way too many results through Synapse's interface (metadata tags, text content...). The locate plugin is also very very helpful, integrates nicely, and covers the vast majority of search needs.

What about a «search with tracker-needle» plugin? You could just write the string, and select «search with tracker» with tab key, or go to actions and see the «search with tracker-needle». Actually, if you run «tracker-needle <search-string>» from synapse, the app opens running the required search right away. (BTW, tracker-search-tool is now obsolete. tracker-needle is the future, included since tracker 0.10, I think.) No need to see the results in Synapse.

All in all, I would just like synapse to run tracker-needle with a search string without having to write «tracker-needle» in front of every search string I'm interested... And nothing else :) (if possible, search with an already existing tracker window, to avoid running more than one tracker-needle.)

I don't see now a need for integration with tracker, just that «search w tracker-needle», as in «search w google».