Comment 0 for bug 1892282

Revision history for this message
Kristine Bujold (kbujold) wrote : config: unnecessary re-apply of manifests on unlock

Brief Description
Found a bug in sysinv where if the user issue the CLI command “system modify --https_enabled <true/false>” (which does not requires a lock/unlock to be applied), the config flag '/opt/platform/config/20.06/.https_config_required' gets set and never removed. If the user performs a lock/unlock on the lab, the conductor with run the _controller_config_active_apply() audit after the unlock. It will see the '.https_config_required' flag is set and raise the config alarm and apply the manifests. If there is no problem (in the case of this Jira we had an issue with tiller) the alarm is cleared.


Steps to Reproduce
- system modify --https_enabled <true/false>
- lock/unlock node
- Right after the unlock see 250.001 alarm 'Configuration is out-of-date' being raised and cleared

Expected Behavior
The alarm should have not been raised since there was no config changes

Actual Behavior
250.001 alarm 'Configuration is out-of-date' being raised and cleared


System Configuration

Branch/Pull Time/Commit

Last Pass


Test Activity
Developer Testing

None. This is not service affecting other than an unnecessary alarm being raised and cleared.