Comment 0 for bug 1664969

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Bartel Eerdekens (letrab) wrote : Mac OS X Sierra 10.12.3 dragDrop not working


While using SikuliX 1.1.1 (Also tried 1.1.0, same behaviour), on OSX 10.12.3 (Sierra) the drag and drop functionality does not seem to work as expected.

In my simplified application I have a left-side drawer (mobile style) which can be pulled-out and pushed-in.

Somehow the pulling-out function works as expected, but the pushing-in does work.
On Windows (running in VirtualBox) with the same (Qt Quick 2.0) code-base and same Sikuli test code, all is functioning well (While I cannot see the mouse cursor moving, but I think this is due to the usage of VirtualBox).

I tried to do the drag and drop manually with mouseDown(BUTTON.Left), mouseMove and mouseUp() but even that does not resolve the issue on OSX. Also tried to alter the timing Settings (DelayBeforeDrag, DelayBeforeDrop, DelayBeforeMouseDown) as putting manual delays (sleep). No effect.

I tried debugging with a mouse-locator (show click actions), and al seems fine, being following the sequence: press/hold - move - release...

What I also noticed is that the animation of my drawer popping in/out is not showing while running a SikuliX test.

Attached you can find the windows application, as the mac application as the used (minimised) test script.