Comment 16 for bug 340203

Revision history for this message
danh (danh-archive) wrote : discussion summary, state modelled, scandata, status, deficiencies

1. Discussion summary:

    We had a meeting Monday (3/30) to decide how to scan right-to-left
    books. Brewster, Matt, Robert, Eric, Raj, Hank, and i participated.

    There were three proposals of how we could scan:
       left-to-right and right-side-up
       left-to-right and upside-down
       right-to-left and right-side-up

    We had been pursuing the last of these using a design Hank
    came up with and described in:
    We had not yet modified republisher to be able to reshoot
    spreads (the right-to-left mechanism scanned right-to-left
    and right-side-up ends up grouping the images in pairs
    offset-by-one from the way left-to-right right-side-up does).

    To avoid doing this, the decision was made to scan
    right-to-left books by going left-to-right
    and upside-down, per Matt, as described in

    Hank pointed out that one advantage of scanning right-side-up
    is that it is natural and extensible. Scanners whose native
    language is right-to-left and who are scanning works in
    their own language may be able to work more easily

    Subsequently i had a private discussion with Steve who advised
    trying not to seal off a general solution, and to keep enough
    state around so that it would be possible to add another
    scanning mode if the need arose. We also discussed what
    state would be necessary to describe the scanning process,
    as well as other related questions.

2. State Modelled:

    We've attempted to leave hooks in suitable places in the
    code to record these pieces of information:
    (a) the page-progression (left-to-right or right-to-left)
    (b) the direction of scanning (left-to-right or right-to-left)
    (c) the vertical orientation (right-side-up or upside-down)

    Note that (a) represents a property of the book alone,
    while (b) is a property of the scanning process alone.
    (c) is also a property of the scanning process, but to
    determine whether a book has been scanned upside down
    you have to know something about the book's contents.

    We do not now actually use all of this state. Rather,
    as soon as we detect that the page-progression is
    right-to-left, we set (or rather, leave) the direction of
    scanning as left-to-right and set the vertical orientation
    to be upside-down. But hopefully we've left enough
    hooks around that we can add another scanning scheme
    as needed or desired.

    On the scribe end this information is now basically handled only
    by putting up an alert to the scanner that the material is
    right-to-left and should be scanned upside-down---and
    also writing out the scandata.

3. Scandata handling:

    The scandata produced by the scribe for a right-to-left book
    includes a fragment like
    within the bookData (i.e., in /book/bookData, as opposed
    to /book/scanLog or /book/pageData).

    As described above, the first three parts of this are or
    should be immutable after a book is scanned. The fourth
    flag is necessary because in scanning upside down the
    page data is mutated as described in

4. Status:

    We've made all the changes described here and checked them
    in. They haven't been tested except for some simple samples,
    so we anticipate there will be sub-bugs to deal with.

    The files changed and current versions are: 1.8 1.49 1.29
       scriblio.js 1.31 1.8
       RePublisher-checkin.php 1.35

5. Deficiencies:

    There are at least two deficiencies that i am aware of.

    One is that we can no longer scan in the right-to-left
    direction. My justification is that i didn't have it
    sufficiently controllable by flags to keep it in the
    code base along with another scheme. This is sort of
    unconvincing, but that's the situation. Hopefully
    however we will be able to add it in if needed (although
    it has been pointed out to me that the easiest time
    to do something like this is as early as possible).

    The second deficiency is that we transport information
    about the page-progression (left-to-right or right-to-left)
    through a separate means than we transmit other metadata

    This is bad for at least two reasons: it makes the code
    more puzzling (why are there 2 mechanisms for transport?)
    and it adds an additional point of failure (the new,
    second means of transport).

    We can fix this according to how bug
    is resolved (Hank as added a comment to that bug
    requesting that page-progression also be put in the
    metadata table). Another recent bug report dealing with additions
    to the metadata table is
    and similar comments apply.

Thanks in advance for any correciton or clarification of any of
these points, or any further ideas about scanning right-to-left