Comment 1 for bug 340203

Revision history for this message
danh (danh-archive) wrote :

From conversation with Robert, our intention is for the books
to be scanned starting with the right cover and working left.

Hank has made some recommendations for this project,
which we intend to try out:

* add a checkbox for "right-to-left book" on the biblio item-loading screen at; the effect should be to prepopulate the
Metaform with the appropriate value (in this case, page-progression = rl), just
as we already do for the other input fields on the biblio screen
(scanningcenter, collection, contributor, sponsor)

* at the outset of imaging, check for page-progression = rl in meta.xml, and if
present, set a flag; then on lines 225 and 236 of
petabox/www/datanode/scribe/, we set the 'num' value
accordingly (currently the right image unconditionally gets the +1; if the rl
flag is set, we just +1 the left image instead)

He then says that he "think[s] the 'num' value then propagates through jpg and jp2 creation".