Comment 7 for bug 753652

Revision history for this message
Märt Põder (boamaod) wrote :

Actually, displaying a name of screenlet in the application menu is intended behaviour in Ubuntu Natty. Maybe what should be displayed shouldn't be "", but just "Whatever". This can be done by providing a desktop file in /usr/share/applications or ~/.local/share/applications. In future versions of screenlets, there will be screenlet.desktop file provided with screenlets, but I believe the default value will not be empty string (to make the application menu title disappear). But this is open to discussion.

If you want to modify the behaviour yourself, you have some options:

1. Create a laucher (desktop file) and specify the name for your screenlet there (it can be left empty, maybe you have to enter one space or something). Copy it to one of the directories specified above. Log out to update desktop files or find out how to refresh desktop file database. You can also copy desktop file from ~/.config/autostart if you have screenlet in auto start list.

2. Dont want to create desktop files? Use a custom command to start a screenlet. For example "cat /usr/share/screenlets/screenlets-pack-basic/Lipik/ | python" gives interesting results, instead of the name of screenlet, the title will contain just a dot ("."). If you like "-" instead of "." you may try "cat /usr/share/screenlets/screenlets-pack-basic/Lipik/ | python".

3. Change the name of the python script to modify the title (it may make the screenlet not functional, but this depends on the individual screenlet itself).