Comment 15 for bug 1814014

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Robert Smith (robsmithy) wrote :

Hi Damon,

My apologies, it appears that once again I should have heeded my own advice re. drawing conclusions in the small hours of the morning. I have had more time to look at this and I think I was looking at files that had been produced by a third party post-processing app, not the camera, which already had metadata zeroed out. I should have waited and double-checked before casting aspersions.

It seems an opportune moment to say that I think RPD is a brilliant piece of software that has no equal on other platforms ( I've looked :-) ). Many thanks for creating and sharing it.

Back on the original bug, the issue appears to have started occurring for me since switching from OpenCamera to GoogleCamera/GCam sometime in January. The videos do have the date shot embedded, which can be found using the command:

     exiftool -time:all -g1 -a -s $filename

I assume RPD is pulling the date shot from another field that is not listed, could you enlighten me as to which one? The attached file shows the exiftool output for all my videos shot in January and February. The names are produced by RPD. In the case of 01January/20210114-012508.mp4, RPD is successfully finding a (presumably correct) date but it is not from the fields listed by exiftool.

In the case of the files from February, many have correct timestamps found by exiftool but these are ignored by RPD in favour of the file modified date.