Comment 0 for bug 1165011

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Sasa Paporovic (melchiaros) wrote :

Please backport concavity 0.1-2 (universe) from raring to quantal and precise.

Reason for the backport:
One of the major issues for drug development in any way is to have a clue what kind of substances could bound to a protein.
For in silico prediction on this(e.g. with AutoDock) it is helpfull to reduce the protein surface to just
that parts where an interaction is possible at all. This are the ligand binding sides of a protein.
That is where concavity fits. It arises a precision up to 80%, which is remarkable more that other
programs/algorithms archive. The most establisched ones are arround 60% precision is ligand binding side prediction.
So, concavity makes a remarkable advance in this area and should be brought to those parts of the community who reside on stable release Quantal and LTS Precise.

Mark off items in the checklist [X] as you test them, but please leave the checklist so that backporters can quickly evaluate the state of testing.

You can test-build the backport in your PPA with backportpackage:
$ backportpackage -u ppa:<lp username>/<ppa name> -s raring -d quantal concavity

* quantal:
[x] Package builds without modification
[x] concavity installs cleanly and runs
[ ] concavity-dbg installs cleanly and runs

[x] Package builds without notification
[x] concavity installs cleanly and runs
[] concavity-dbg installs cleanly and runs

No reverse dependencies


This here is not done in the common way.

I am a little bit overwhelmed by the possibilities of backporting script and pbuild.

I have done both builds in quantal and precise in pbuild and both running with success. At the end is a signing error, but that was to expect, because I have not provided any key for signing(Sorry, but to get this all on at the same time is behond my skills).

The testinstallation of concavity in quantal and precise was also not performed fully correct. I have just done an installation of the original raring package trough gdebi.

Both insatllations are working for the examples in the manpage of concavity and produces valid results(.pdb files which are able to be visualized in Jmol or RasMol).

Soory, for the figuring arround, but in near futhur I am not able to provide better.