Comment 1 for bug 1259509

Revision history for this message
Sebastian Lackner (slackner) wrote :

Hi piviul,

it might be possible that this page still has some problems with Pipelight / with wine, but since the pages requires a login we are not able to test it outself. The log file unfortunately doesn't contain any error.

Please check the following things so you can be sure your version of Pipelight it set up correctly.

* What do you get with the following command?
debconf-show ttf-mscorefonts-installer 2>/dev/null | grep "msttcorefonts/accepted-mscorefonts-eula:"

* Does the plugin work at all, for example with this demo page: ?

* Which user-agent string did you use? Please check our diagnostic page: and afterwards set it to the recommended one:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:15.0) Gecko/20120427 Firefox/15.0a1
If you have no UA switcher installed yet please follow the instructions here:
Please test again if this is not the UA string you used before.

* Does it have any specific reason why you use export LANG=C ? Please check if it makes any difference when you run the browser without that.

* Try to disable GPU acceleration before starting the first firefox window. The easiest way to do that is to run your browser with:

Please create a new log file with GPU acceleration disabled (as written in my last suggestion) and upload the full file (just attach it to this bug-report for example).
