Comment 0 for bug 1442458

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Selene ToyKeeper (toykeeper) wrote :

In rtm krillin image 269 (OTA3 candidate), the web browser cannot zoom out to show full web pages unless they are specifically designed for mobile devices. I think this may be a side effect of the fix for bug 1429135, since this is brand-new behavior.

Steps to reproduce the issue:
1. Open the web browser app.
2. If it's not already there, go to
3. Try to make the entire search widget fit onscreen at once.

Expected results: Pages will be zoomed out by default, to fit the full page width. If not, the user should at least be able to manually zoom out.

Actual results: Zoomed in by default and cannot zoom out further.

If I'm not mistaken, this blocks the release of OTA3.