Comment 0 for bug 1721554

Revision history for this message
Ondrej Vasko (ondrej.vasko) wrote :

Hello OSA,

I am doing upgrade from Ocata (stable/ocata) to Pike (stable/pike) manually by using official guide [1].

When running last step - `openstack-ansible setup-openstack.yml`, the playbook for `os_ceilometer` fails because it has not defined variable `swift_system_comment`.

Now this fails in my environment, where I do not have OS Swift installed but on the other hand I have defined `swift_ceilometer_enabled: false` in `user_variables.yml`.

The play that fails is located in file `os_ceilometer/tasks/ceilometer_pre_install.yml` which in my opinion should respect setting of `swift_ceilometer_enabled`, or if it is necessary to do this task, it should include variables needed for that.
