Comment 8 for bug 1391008

Revision history for this message
Olivier Girard (eolinwen) wrote :

>>>which operating system do you and the other openshot developers use?

>>>i would like to switch to the same o/s that you guys use to develop openshot, as it has to be working better for you than it is for me. can you tell me what you use please?

Well a big question but why not, afterall it is not a secret.
Jonathan is using Linux Mint, Ubuntu.
Andy is using Linux Mint mate edition and AV4Linux (debian multimedia derivated with lxde)
Olivier (i.e me) is using Manjaro (Archlinux derivated) and Linux Mint Cinnamon edition occasionnelly.

>>>please tell me how to find that out. i presume there is some bash command that does it but i am not familiar with all the shell commands... not familiar with any of them in fact! i'm a user, not a developer.

I was thinking that was in the link of our forum of one of our faq (1040). Let me remember how they are. Anyway, you could use a graphical tool like synaptic searching word like melt, libmlt, libavformat, libavcodec,...Search one of them and you'll find others and either copy/paste their name/number either take a screenshot with a tool like shutter.

About the warning of lapdsa-plugins missing, it does'nt matter because this version don't use yet those. But you can resolve them with this command :
sudo apt-get install swh-plugins

>>>like martin luther king, i have a dream. that one day, linux will find a way to provide a gui, so that users and developers can walk hand in hand as brothers up the mountain of usability to the promised land.

Very nice picture. I like. I must precise that I'm not a developer intially but Just an user who like this system and this software that I've done one mine one day. I think that everybody can help a open source project in any direction translating, reporting bugs, new request, helping in their developement plateform, helping some users, developing, creating some titles 2d or/and 3D, transitions, effects,......