Patch attachments

Order by: 
Bug Importance Status Patch Age
Bug #776493: Products more than 10000 slow down the printing of Location Content report Wishlist Confirmed 497 weeks
Bug #1255612: appending times to dates when searching datetime doesn't take timezone into account Undecided New 513 weeks
Bug #1180000: [Trunk / 7.0] crash when duplicating a database from the web interface Medium Confirmed 540 weeks
Bug #1307893: [PATCH] Fix AssertionError with empty WHERE clause Undecided New 545 weeks
Bug #1280323: OperationalError raised when error is different. Undecided New 553 weeks
Bug #1263401: One2many or Many2many search with empty lists Undecided New 561 weeks
Bug #1260867: Alphanumeric ordering of records Undecided New 562 weeks
Bug #1260772: Translation forgotten for ValidateError Low Confirmed 562 weeks
Bug #1257827: logs are kept in UTC instead of server's timezone Undecided New 563 weeks
Bug #1257807: timezone info on datetime values ignored Undecided New 563 weeks
Bug #1253052: parent_left,parent_right are not recomputed when parent_order is changed Undecided New 565 weeks
Bug #1243142: fields with write attribute should be readonly Undecided New 569 weeks
Bug #938513: server_wide_modules var of openerp.conf file isn't used Low Confirmed 571 weeks
Bug #1228444: CRON Unexpected commit on jobs with exceptions Undecided New 574 weeks
Bug #1188136: RML Report no more text output after use setTag Undecided New 576 weeks
Bug #1218570: fields.related with type 'float' is False instead of 0.0 Low Confirmed 577 weeks
Bug #1208309: [7.0] NotImplementedError: Unknown report type: webkit in test yaml Undecided New 577 weeks
Bug #1213683: Missing report font search path for FreeBSD Wishlist Confirmed 579 weeks
Bug #1199136: safe_eval _import method restrict modules to use in python code fields, and have a missing argument too Undecided New 585 weeks
Bug #997564: gunicorn cpu_time_limit setting generates error Undecided Confirmed 589 weeks
Bug #1174294: [trunk,7.0] Cant add currency rate if existing currency don't have rate Low Confirmed 591 weeks
Bug #1170601: Sequence with implementation "No Gap" don't work correctly Undecided New 596 weeks
Bug #1167594: Not sent context value to check contraints Low Confirmed 597 weeks
Bug #1166886: BaseMode.read_group sums numeric fields unconditionally Wishlist Confirmed 597 weeks
Bug #1161346: Shortcut to self.pool.get('ir_model_data').get_objecy_reference() Undecided New 599 weeks
Bug #1161332: Method BaseModel:_column_exists() according to BaseModel:_table_exists() Wishlist Confirmed 599 weeks
Bug #1156884: return new browse_null() instance if the select argument is False in BaseModel:browse() Medium Confirmed 601 weeks
Bug #1156865: Missing values for functional fields should be interpreted as False instead of an empty list Undecided New 601 weeks
Bug #1132894: Move elements in view architecture instead of delete and reinsert them Wishlist Confirmed 601 weeks
Bug #1098948: Avoid recursive OnChange event Wishlist Confirmed 602 weeks
Bug #1106367: Access Denied by ACLs without reading the field Medium Confirmed 607 weeks

From: LudoRA

Bug #1077428: Can't map determine family/bold/italic for dejavu sans Medium Confirmed 609 weeks

From: Carlos Pueyo
Link: Fonts.pyo

Bug #1085775: VUB is not an ISO code for former Venezuelan Currency Bs Low Fix Committed 613 weeks
Bug #940439: Once we save dbfilter in configuration file, It is ignored Low Fix Committed 613 weeks
Bug #1091184: Importing csv file with children of existing parent gives error Medium Confirmed 614 weeks
Bug #629332: Function,related fields that are not stored cannot be used to sort Wishlist Confirmed 615 weeks
Bug #1076076: es translations gen exception (procurement) Low Confirmed 619 weeks
Bug #1069003: xpre processing not working as advertised Undecided New 622 weeks
Bug #1047229: Exception: Not implemented get_memory method ! Wishlist Confirmed 628 weeks
Bug #1018908: fields.function stored with multi argument and mixed integer/manyone types Low Fix Committed 630 weeks
Bug #1024114: Update CSV files treated as noupdate=False Low Triaged 636 weeks
Bug #923793: [6.1.trunk] Error when creating new database ir_module_module_certificate_uniq Wishlist Confirmed 637 weeks
Bug #1019804: Incorrect Arabic language local code 'ar_AR' Low Confirmed 638 weeks
Bug #994996: bug on export reference field Low Confirmed 639 weeks
Bug #1014947: orm: import: import of 'reference' fields with bad data gives useless error message Low Confirmed 640 weeks
Bug #516966: report_sxw: wrong pageCount and pageNumber when attachments are not kept Low Fix Committed 644 weeks
Bug #900861: on_change doesn't pass context, no translations on exceptions Wishlist Confirmed 645 weeks
Bug #989641: [V6]column's priority attr has no effect in osv_memory Low Confirmed 647 weeks

From: huangjunwen

Bug #987366: Provide a systemd service file Wishlist Confirmed 648 weeks
Bug #985381: openerp source package lacks dependencies on python-setuptools and python-pybabel Low Confirmed 648 weeks
Bug #984976: ids of type long fails in ( Low Fix Committed 648 weeks
Bug #933496: Mismatching PO comments cause translation issues: translations present in PO not visible in GUI Low Fix Committed 650 weeks
Bug #971535: Cannot update the size of a column of type selection Low Confirmed 651 weeks
Bug #966083: Space as thousands separator does not show on reports Low Fix Committed 652 weeks
Bug #920876: [6.1] currency_rate_type_id is not present in res.currency.rate form Low Confirmed 661 weeks
Bug #906821: [6.0][6.1][7.0][trunk] Wrong module name on searching the 'code' translation Undecided Confirmed 666 weeks
Bug #872521: LocalService "create" method crashes when called with a txt report Medium Confirmed 675 weeks
Bug #853612: OpenERP client fails to connect with a restricted pg_hba.conf Wishlist Fix Committed 678 weeks
Bug #522192: Incorrect Wishlist Confirmed 694 weeks
Bug #766029: get_xml_id method crashes when called from xml_rpc Wishlist Confirmed 701 weeks
Bug #727727: Orm.create() should not drop nonexisting fields in passed values Wishlist Confirmed 707 weeks
Bug #708461: [5.0] Error when generating Production Order report Low In Progress 712 weeks
Bug #705364: [6.0][5.0] ORM bug : function field with type one2many = "ir_translation polluted and duplicated function dead" Low Fix Committed 713 weeks
Bug #664345: Non-ASCII characters not supported in RML barcodes Wishlist Confirmed 726 weeks

From: vrsb
Link: barcode_fnc1.diff

Bug #652213: [5.0 & 6.0] Print workflow doesn't work if there is more than one workflow defined Low Incomplete 729 weeks
Bug #636604: copy orm function does not copy deafults in relational fields Wishlist Confirmed 732 weeks
Bug #634634: Searching on float fields does not work properly Wishlist Confirmed 732 weeks
Bug #568251: Server service stops on Windows user log-off Wishlist Confirmed 732 weeks
Bug #614694: [trunk] sequences tree display suffix Wishlist Confirmed 737 weeks
Bug #508358: XSL/XML reports do not create attachments like RML reports do. Wishlist Confirmed 738 weeks
Bug #608066: Registerfont does not support non absolute path Wishlist Confirmed 739 weeks
Bug #595716: drop_view_if_exists could allow cascading Wishlist Confirmed 744 weeks
Bug #556365: Import : ID/DB ID are not supported for One2Many,Fields do not populate for Many2Many Wishlist Confirmed 749 weeks
Bug #535566: Evaluation of 'expr' inside any tag goes unnoticed! Wishlist Confirmed 753 weeks
Bug #524427: Column span in report don't work Wishlist Confirmed 761 weeks
175 of 79 results