Comment 8 for bug 410738

Revision history for this message
Petra Webstein (info-petrawebstein) wrote :

Hello Ramesh

Step by step ... as suggested through the varies links that you have offered:

1. I have disabled and enabled the mod_freewaylogin in Joomla - no effect.

2. Suggestion to change in line 34 in modules/mod_freewaylogin/mod_freewaylogin.php from



     I already have made these changes before.

3. Suggestion to change the line number 5 in the file …/joomla/link_index.php from

          define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);


          define('DS', '/');
     I already have made these changes before.

4. Suggestion to change the line number 33 in modules/mod_freewaylogin/mod_freewaylogin.php from

          if ($task=="register" && $usersConfig->get('allowUserRegistration')){


          if (($view=="register" || $task=="register") && $usersConfig->get('allowUserRegistration')){

To make sure, I disabled and enabled mod_freewaylogin.

Unfortunately, this did not make any difference.

It still seems to me that the Joomla login is active because the error message says when I try to login: "Username and password do not match or you do not have an account yet."

So, the login on does not work when I then go to the "back" so to speak on I can log in and get all the correct details and orders.

Maybe just for the completeness of this record I have a separate database for freeway (not using the same as Joomla).

So, I have followed all of your suggestions but no change so far.

I have implemented a work around for the time being to send customers to the standalone freeway site but it can be very confusing for them.

Kind regards,
