Comment 0 for bug 439163

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DFdario (dfdario) wrote : Channel scan timed out

This is a continuation of bug #436564. Please refer to that for relevant dmesg'.
The capture card I have is the Hauppauge HVR-1300.
The card is now correctly recognized as FVB-T but channel scan fails with message "Timed out, no signal" at each channel is scanned.
The command scan <location> > channels.conf ends correcly and file channels.conf is feeded with all tunable channels.
I tried to import such channels.conf with the same result.
Increasing the signal and channel timeout in the DVB settings (now up to 1000 but I planned to increase to ignore) doesnt solve the problem.
Tonight I will try what Marc suggested - mythtv-setup --verbose channelscan,siparser,channel,record - then I will report the log.