
Comment 0 for bug 1528438

Revision history for this message
Daniel van Vugt (vanvugt) wrote : [regression] Mir servers crash on client input - std::exception::what: Client input channel write blocked : 11, "Resource temporarily unavailable"

[regression] Mir servers crash on client input - std::exception::what: Client input channel write blocked : 11, "Resource temporarily unavailable"

ERROR: /home/dan/bzr/mir/trunk/src/server/input/android/input_sender.cpp(197): Throw in function void mir::input::android::InputSender::ActiveTransfer::send(uint32_t, const MirEvent&)
Dynamic exception type: boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<std::runtime_error> >
std::exception::what: Client input channel write blocked :
11, "Resource temporarily unavailable"

Test case:
  1. Start a Mir server
  2. Start a Mir client like mir_demo_client_scroll or mir_demo_client_flicker

Expected: Client ignores mouse input and keeps working.
Observed: Server crashes on mouse motion over the client (scroll) or on mouse click (flicker)

The bug appears to be in lp:mir only. Not in lp:mir/0.18