Comment 0 for bug 1010259

Revision history for this message
Savvas Radevic (medigeek) wrote :

I tried to set the nonmember_rejection_notice
The text on the mailman admin site appears OK, but when it's mailed to a nonmember user it shows utf-8 characters such as Λ

The server uses mailman 2.1.13 (

Example of nonmember_rejection_notice message:

== START ==

Sorry, you have to be a complete member to post to this mailing list.

Greek (Ελληνικά):

Λυπούμαστε πολύ, αλλά πρέπει να εγγραφείτε σαν μέλος ούτως ώστε να αποδεκτούμε την ηλεκτρονική σας διεύθυνση και την καταχώρησή σας.


Ubuntu-cy LoCo Team

<email address hidden>

<email address hidden>
== END ==

Actual message received by a nonmember user:

== START ==

Sorry, you have to be a complete member to post to this mailing list.

Greek (&#917;&#955;&#955;&#951;&#957;&#953;&#954;&#940;):

&#960;&#959;&#955;&#973;, &#945;&#955;&#955;&#940;
&#960;&#961;&#941;&#960;&#949;&#953; &#957;&#945;
&#963;&#945;&#957; &#956;&#941;&#955;&#959;&#962;
&#959;&#973;&#964;&#969;&#962; &#974;&#963;&#964;&#949; &#957;&#945;
&#954;&#945;&#953; &#964;&#951;&#957;
== END ==