Comment 2 for bug 1752442

Revision history for this message
Steven (stevens-q) wrote :

Manually ran the following Behat test:

@javascript @core @core_view
Feature: Edit and delete Forum nbuttons are not displayed for normal users
    As a normal user and not the author
    I should not be able to see edit and delete buttons
    because I do not have permissions

Given the following "users" exist:
    | username | password | email | firstname | lastname | institution | authname | role |
    | UserA | Kupuhipa1 | <email address hidden> | Angela | User | mahara | internal | member |
    | UserB | Kupuhipa1 | <email address hidden> | Bob | User | mahara | internal | member |

And the following "groups" exist:
      | name | owner | description | grouptype | open | invitefriends | editroles | submittableto | allowarchives | members | staff |
      | GroupA | UserA | GroupA owned by UserA | standard | ON | ON | all | ON | ON | UserA, UserB | UserA |
      | GroupB | UserB | GroupB owned by UserB | standard | ON | ON | all | ON | ON | UserB, UserA | UserB |

Scenario: Normal members should not see edit/delete forum buttons
 Given I log in as "UserA" with password "Kupuhipa1"
 And I am on "/group/view.php?id=1"
 When I follow "Forums"
 # The following line does not run
 Then I should see "Forums | Group A"
 And I should not see "Edit \"General discussion\""
 And I should not see "Delete \"General discussion\""

 Scenario: Group owner should see edit/delete forum buttons
 Given I log in as "UserB" with password "Kupuhipa1"
 And I am on "/group/view.php?id=2"
 When I follow "Forums"
 # The following line does not run
 Then I should see "Forums | Group B"
  And I should see "Edit \"General discussion\""
 And I should see "Delete \"General discussion\""

Catalyst QA Approved ✔