Comment 6 for bug 548021

Revision history for this message
Aaron Wells (u-aaronw) wrote :

I'm not comfortable with this patch, because it allows users to create anonymous pages (i.e. pages where a normal user visiting the page cannot tell who authored the page). And anonymous content creation is not something that should be entered into lightly.

There's actually never a case where the profile link does nothing. If the visitor is logged-in, a private profile shows information about the profile owner, i.e. "send a message", "request friend", etc. If the visitor is logged-out, clicking on a private profile link redirects them to the transient login page, the same as any other attempt to view a page that is inaccessible to a logged-out user.

What's the use-case for hiding the author line? If there's a compelling use-case for it, then I'd say we can keep this but we should add a config setting that makes it disabled by default. If there is not a compelling use-case, we should revert the patch.