Comment 5 for bug 1374674

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Aaron Wells (u-aaronw) wrote :

Hi Stephane,

Oh, I like this idea!

1. If you put a page on your watchlist, you receive notifications about comments on that page.

2. If you comment on a page, that page is automatically added to your watchlist. (You can of course manually unsubscribe.)

That neatly combines the two things, without adding any new controls or subscriptions. The one part that gives me pause is the second part. I think there will be use-cases where, say, a teacher is commenting on dozen of student submissions and then no longer cares about the page afterwards. They will probably find it annoying to have to manually unsubscribe from those pages. But I think that's a minor annoyance, and if it becomes an issue we could maybe later add a user preference about whether or not to automatically "watch" pages you comment on.

So yeah, I think this ^ is the way we should go. :)
