Comment 0 for bug 1265091

Revision history for this message
Jono M (jonom) wrote : Pieforms date element should have "Not specified" before the date picker

The pieforms date picker (in lib/pieforms/pieform/elements/date.php) can have both a date picker (set of comboboxes) and a "Not specified" checkbox. However, it's confusing to screen reader users that the date comboboxes are displayed before the "Not specified" checkbox because if the comboboxes are disabled (ie. if the checkbox is initially checked) then they are not read out - so if a screen reader user unchecks the checkbox they have to tab backwards to get to the date selector.
The position of the comboboxes and checkbox should be swapped so that when the checkbox is unchecked, the comboboxes are next in the tab order.

Affects latest master