Comment 0 for bug 1611984

Revision history for this message
Dean Henrichsmeyer (dean) wrote :

On the MAAS images page, it was reporting that my images were up to date as of today. It was reporting everything was fine.

However, if you looked at the logs you could see that the import job was tracing back every time and failing to import images. There were tons of entries like:

2016-08-04 11:53:56 [-] Downloading images failed.

There are a number of reasons why the import can fail. In this particular case it was a host issue where MAAS couldn't process the downloaded images. Given the logs, there should have been *something* in the UI saying the image update was failing or at the *very* least, not updating the "Last updated" time in the UI.

FWIW, this is MAAS 2.0 (rc3/4)