Comment 2 for bug 1239001

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Clement Lefebvre (clementlefebvre) wrote :

omg... seriously... I won't comment on the drama and all the CAPS, it's insulting, ridiculous. It makes your bug report look like FUD.

- Lack of DNS resolution is a problem that affected many. It is fixed by pre-setting DNS.
- DNS was preset to OpenDNS because it's the best alternative out there.
- DNS presets can be configured by the user or even removed in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/tail. If you even look in /etc/resolv.conf, you'll see a comment in the header about that.
- Asking unecessary questions to users that they might not understand during the installation... that's just stupid and doesn't deserve to be talked about. You know we don't do that. We make things work out of the box and we let people change stuff.

Your little outburst is "excusable" and DNS preselection is indeed beneficial to Mint users. It's a good thing and it fixes a real issue.

Now, with all that said, the only remaining thing to argue about is "why OpenDNS". At the time of implementation OpenDNS was the best out there. This may have changed, I don't know, and you're welcome to argue about that.

Note that we will not use Google for DNS, for privacy and commercial reasons.