Comment 0 for bug 1239001

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LaunchPadGirl (9efb3d92) wrote :

Hello Mint Team,

There are certainly different distros for different reasons and purposes, Mint is certainly one that is set out the box ready to be used to make it easy for the end-user, but this situation still does not make that excusable.

There are some lines I believe in the Linux world you don't cross, because certain things people have very strong beliefs towards, so some things should be left up to the end-user, no matter what distro.

OpenDNS is one of those beliefs for various reasons, there is a very big Love & Hate relationship when it comes to OpenDNS, and I truly believe the way in which Mint is going about this is not being handled properly.

I truly think this was done in very bad taste to put in these OpenDNS fallbacks.

DNS is something very particular to a lot of people, and there are certainly choices out there for the end-user to CHOOSE from. This is something that should be left up to the end-user to make their OWN CHOICES, and not something you should be doing.

When it comes to networking no one should be doing something like this, putting in your own personal preferences into Mint. Let people decide if they need the fallback as an OPTION during the install of Mint, along with other choices too like, Google, Comodo, amongst many other DNS providers out there.

What happened to CHOICE here, and WHY did you DECIDE to take that away?

Now here's a good opportunity to change this situation. Mint should have an option during the installation, FIRST explaining to the new users what this is all about, and then IF they WANT this, then they can pick from various DNS providers, even mixing from different sources too.

A lot of people I'm sure will just say, what's the big deal this is ONLY a FALLBACK? Actually the DNS are being queried and used, I don't seeing this working as inteneded, there is a bug here, and this is not something I want, regardless if it worked properly or not, AGAIN, CHOICES!

So let the end-user CHOOSE which fallback they'd like IF they want it!

Google, Norton, Commodo, OpenDNS, 4 companies offering DNS services, but do you personally LIKE or TRUST all of these companies? This is the ANOTHER ASPECT here, what people like and place trust in, and many people the world over do not like or trust OpenDNS!

REMEMBER Linux is about CHOICE and when you did this you took away what I believe a VERY IMPORTANT choice that not only DEALS with Domain Name Resolution but ----> SECURITY!

THANKS for reading and CONSIDERING! :)