Comment 18 for bug 859886

Revision history for this message
Botao (botao-sun) wrote :

The changes based on "origen-device.diff" and "origen-psr.patch" which Angus sent to me have been submitted and merged. However, I still got the error when I run the command manually:

1|root@android:/ # /system/bin/bccmd -t bcsp -d /dev/ttySAC0 psload -r /system/etc/firmware/bluetooth/origen.psr
Initialization timed out

1|root@android:/ # /system/bin/hciattach -s 921600 /dev/ttySAC0 bcsp 921600 flow
BCSP initialization timed out

1|root@android:/ # ls -l /dev/ttySAC0
crw------- root root 204, 64 2000-01-01 00:41 ttySAC0

There is no error, but only timed out. Need to investigate it.