Comment 1 for bug 761257

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Данило Шеган (danilo) wrote :

Ok, when working on this, I found out a gazillion of problems. I'll list those that I haven't fixed yet here just so I have them written down, and I'll be filing bugs as appropriate.

 1. There is no 'mute' link if you are a member of a team that is subscribed to the bug
 2. Animation for show-bug-notification-levels is conditional on your subscription being "muted" in bug_subscription.js and when it shouldn't be, since we don't want to show levels for unsubscribing teams either; I might fix this in this branch
 3. There is no way to set a different bug notification level for team subscriptions
 4. For the "update my subscription level" radio box we hard-code "update-subscription" as the value, which might just as well be a team/person name, and if such a person/team ever shows up, it's all going to break
 5. If at any one point you end up with no subscribers after you've unsubscribed everyone, "subscribing someone else" fails from then on; this is not a problem if you start with a bug with no subscribers, so the "None" text that is being added doesn't have the same properties as the one that's originally constructed on page load
 6. There are no tests at all for this

I am fixing a few other problems except the one mentioned in this bug: animation was very jumpy if you click the same radio box twice, and when you had a bug muted, you couldn't really set the bug notification level when unmuting.