Comment 2 for bug 456418

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Jamu Kakar (jkakar) wrote :

I was just about to file a bug about this when I found that it's
already been filed. I often end up having to drive around Launchpad
to figure out if the prerequisite listed on a merge proposal is merged
or not. I'd like to see something like:

  Proposed branch: lp:~jkakar/project/proposed-branch
       Merge into: lp:project
Prequisite branch: lp:~jkakar/project/prerequisite-branch (Needs review)

The status for the prerequisite branch's merge proposal should only be
shown if its targetted to merge into the same branch as the proposed
branch. I suppose listing the merge proposal status gets tricky when
a branch has more than one merge proposal, but perhaps you can do
something like '(_Needs review_ and _2 more_)'. The '2 more' link
will take the user to the branch page, which lists all the active
merge proposals. The newest merge proposal would be the one that was
shown, all the others would be the 'X more' ones.

Anyway, the primary thing I want to know when a prerequisite branch is
listed is whether or not I need to pull it to diff the proposed branch
against. In many cases, by the time I get to a merge proposal the
prerequisite branch has already been merged to trunk and I don't need
to do anything special.

Also, perhaps the 'Needs review' merge proposal status text should be
a link to the merge proposal itself.