Comment 0 for bug 438116

Revision history for this message
Adam B Butler (adambbutler) wrote : Timeout Error (OOPS-1367EC560) When Converting Bug into Question

Earlier today, I was attempting to convert a Bug report (Bug #433515) into a Question, but each time I attempted this, I received the error: "Timeout Error, Sorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad. (OOPS-1367EC560)."

I haven't been working with Bug Reports in LP for very long, so this was my first "Bug-to-Question Conversion" and I assumed it was something wrong on my end. Repeated attempts (just clicking the plus icon next to "Convert to Question" in the right-hand-side menu) kept bringing up the same Timeout message, so I asked for help in #ubuntu-bugs. They redirected me to #launchpad ... but then shortly after asking my question, I tried (same process) again; this time, the process completed without error.

I was all ready to chalk this up to "Internet/Web/Random-silliness" but james_w on #launchpad indicated that I should file a report, and so here I am and here it is. :)

It is probably important to note here that I am using the "" (beta/testing) server; aside from that, I don't really know what kind of additional information would be useful to add. Apologies in advance if I'm leaving something out...

Bug/page in question:

(Accessed via Firefox 3.5.2, atop Ubuntu Karmic 9.10, x86_64.)